[-empyre-] I once ate a pea

Christina asked me If I could write about my own practice. I'm still in the process of reading all the previous posts in a desperate attempt to catch up the conversation. Lot of work... I haven't finished yet. But I'd like to make an artist's statement that is in relation to the question about Modernity/Antiquity:

My work deals with some impossibilities, like for instance:
- in language with the "Google Adwords Happening": impossible matching between speech and knowledge...
- in happiness with "WiFi-SM"
- in Science, with a recent little project called "(In)human Sciences" (available on http://www.neterotopia.net )

Let me try to articulate one of these impossibilities respectively to the question of Modernity, in the piece WiFi-SM for instance. The piece plays with the fact that we are stuck in the circle modernity->postmodernity->modernity...
- if we are in a postmodern cynical state, we lose our relation to humanity and we have to deal with guilt
- at the contrary if we try to be politically modern, we encouter our sado-masochistic relation to the other (one of the beginnings of Modernity corresponds to Marquis de Sade).
This alternance is quite commonplace, but what the piece tells us is that there is no hope of going out in the context of the new world or BPSC (Benthamian Panopticon of Semantic Capitalism), in which we are all accomplices.

But the BPSC is an anticipation of a limit, beyond which the "division of labour" has reached an ultimate stage; division between spectacle an control, between terrorism and colonisation of privacy, between speaking and hearing: bloggers produce speech, Google extracts statistical knowledge about their intimacy etc. Here, the obstacle that modernity has to deal with, is related to Marx's Mehrwert, surplus-value, which Lacan turned into Mehrlust, plus-de-jouir. The postmodern master (Google) has to recover the knowledge of the slave (bloggers). This is done through hard science and technology. This recovering of knowledge, this extraction from the gold-mine of free speech, aims at consituting an (impossible) implementation of Hegelian absolute knowledge, which would allow to optimize the economic dynamics of the new last world. So at the end of the process, there is real stuff, IPO.

If we ever want to go out of this circle, we need to avoid the false exits out of Modernity like those that history already produced. One way out might be related to the question of the "retour des choses" (cf a former post of mine), or double-hack, double-irony, or as Christina added: a double twist, transforming the circle into the border of a moebius strip. Why the "retour des choses"? Maybe just because it's stupid or because of the "real stuff" or because Network = Death, or because: "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die." In my article on http://www.cosmolalia.com , I left a little bit aside the relation between the crisis in the roots of mathematics and the spectacle society. The thread is something like that: Kurt Gödel - Alan Turing - Snow White - Apple - Disney - Debord. Variation on the forbidden fruit (read Alan Turing biography and the way he committed suicide by poisoning half of an apple!).

In a previous post I already gave a few examples of this "retour des choses", like webpaintings (Valéry Grancher), Internet Paintings (Miltos Manetas). In my work I can give two examples: "Human Browser" (dealing with the voice as an object) or my platform of "art on demand" where I produce books from the following double-hack:
All the books -> Google Books (formerly Google Print) - > N-unique (?) networked personnalized relational books on iterature.com
See an example here (more will be online soon)

These examples show an evolution from relational or networked aesthetics towards a return to objects that ironically use old media, but are fully embedding our new media world.

Can we call them, N-State "objects" ? (I think it's Brett Stalbaum who introduced the term N-State in the discussion) Heterotopic objects? In any case, they cannot be separated from the ironical attitude that presided their production; to be compared, of course, to the attitude of the Dandy - with Sade, one of the ultimate references when talking about Modernity, Pop and BPSC ("I once ate a pea" is one of the famous quotations by Brummel, as some old baronness would ask him if he liked vegetables, another interesting variation on the forbidden fruit). The Dandy would lead us to the idea of "devirilization" in the Modern World... Waiting for the next episode of Desperate Housewives...

The "retour des choses", even if it might be linked to a way out, to some renonciation that would let us drop out of the circle, is not enough in itself to find the way out. It's just a hint. As you may know, "les choses" are in a critical state in France right now... You may have heard of CPE (= First Hire Contract) demonstrations. Maybe you are not aware of this other french (US-inspired?) project, a study published by the French National Institute of Medical Research (INSERM), entitled "Child and teenage behavioural problems" (« Troubles des conduites chez l'enfant et l'adolescent ») which aims at detecting criminal behaviour in three-year-old children. This study takes place within the context of a general plan of prevention of youth crime which the government is currently preparing.
cf http://www.pasde0deconduite.ras.eu.org

Funny: Science thinks it can deal with the phallic stage but bumps into the anal stage ;-)


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